Once released, an effect known as a. Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place.
Awakening you may feel more in-tune with yourself and notice signs of. Your inner intuition come to life. This intellectual upgrade tends to lead to. An expansion of the mind and atonement to higher realms.
Realms one must be willing to open their pineal gland and restore the true. Confidence of our own mental abilities. Stone: Very rare A+++ serpentine sphere. It is believed that certain gemstones and minerals have beneficial health. However, using or wearing gemstones or minerals.Does not mean that you can treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your health care professional for information on health care issues. And do not stop any medications or courses of treatment, without first.
Consulting your health care professional. The use of gemstones or minerals. As a wellness therapy is one of personal choice. Have been used historically to relieve or prevent symptoms, the object. There may be variations in colours etc, as each computer, monitor and cell.